Institutions involved in the NIAGARA project

  • Centro tecnológico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logística
    ITENE - Centro tecnológico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logística

    ITENE is a non-profit research centre mainly focused on packaging, transport, and logistics, but also in other scientific areas such as biotechnology, Safe-by-design and bioinformatic computational modelling. Its mission is to generate scientific and technological knowledge and adding value to companies through the implementation of R+D+I in these areas. ITENE is the NIAGARA project coordinator and leader of Work Packages 2 (Laboratory-scale development and validation of remediation approaches) and 6 (Project management and coordination), as well as participating in SSbD and LCA tasks.

  • Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
    ICN2 - Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

    ICN2 is a non-profit international research institute located close to Barcelona devoted to the generation of knowledge, materials, and devices in the broad fields of ICT, health, energy, and the environment. The expertise of the ICN2 lies at the nanoscale, where new properties, interactions, and ways to exploit them in everyday life are being discovered. The ICN2 is a CERCA Center and one of the founding members of the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) and the Graphene Flagship. The Nanobiosensors and Bioanalytical Applications (NanoB2A) research group focuses on the development of photonic point-of-care biosensors and their employment in clinical, biomedical, and environmental areas. ICN2 is the leader of Work Package 1 (Laboratory-scale development and validation of multi-analyte biosensor). ICN2 will also engage in the pilot validation phase in Work Package 3.

  • Cyprus Research & Innovation Centre
    CyRIC - Cyprus Research & Innovation Centre

    The Cyprus Research & Innovation Centre is a certified Business Innovation Centre in Cyprus, certified by the European Business Network. CYRIC offers Research and Innovation Services for its customers in the fields of engineering design and prototyping, electronics and communications and software solutions. In NIAGARA, CyRIC will develop the NIAGARA software platform to establish communication with the device controlling the sensors in Work Package 1. The platform will store, process, and visualize data from the two available modules (pathogens and chemicals) in real-time. Furthermore, part of CyRIC’s role is to provide a full-automated pre-concentration unit for pathogens, such as H.pylori, targeting to improve the limit of detection of the nanophotonic biosensor platform.

  • ÆGIR

    ÆGIR is a French SME specialized in developing and distributing software that provid optimized, cost-effective and eco-friendly solutions to improve water management in cities. Within NIAGARA, ÆGIR is the leader of Work Package 4 (Data treatment for real-time monitoring and risk assessment) in which a mitigation module based on a hydraulic model and multi agent algorithm will be developed. This module will identify the optimal area in the Drinking Water Distribution Network (DWDN) and treatment protocol to reduce the impact of pollution.

  • Partner Kneia
    Kneia SL

    KNEIA is a spanish SME that works with public companies, research institutions, government agencies and investors to provide services on scientific communication and valorization, including assessment on RRI and open science principles. KNEIA will be in charge of the communication and dissemination activities as well as project results exploitation and bussines model. KNEIA is leading the corresponding WP5 (Dissemination, communication and exploitation).

  • Faculty of Polymer Technology
    FTPO - Faculty of Polymer Technology

    The Faculty of Polymer Technology (FTPO), located in Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia, is a private non-profit institution dedicated to higher education and research. Established in 2006, FTPO offers comprehensive study programs in polymer technology, encompassing areas such as chemistry, materials science, design, simulation, processing, characterization of polymer materials, and their applications. In the NIAGARA project, FTPO is mainly involved in Work Package 2, focusing on the laboratory-scale development and validation of remediation approaches. Specifically, FTPO utilizes computational methods to predict the formation mechanisms of disinfection by-products (DBP).

  • Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
    SEMIDE/EMWIS - Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector

    The Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector (SEMIDE/EMWIS) is an organisation dedicated to facilitating exchange of information on the water sector within the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership countries. As an institutional network comprising ministries responsible for water management, SEMIDE serves as a valuable platform for water authorities to exploit products and services in the Mediterranean region. SEMIDE is involved in communication and dissemination activities as well as exploitation of project results and business models in the NIAGARA project. In particular, SEMIDE will be in charge on the stakeholder analysis, identifying the most important stakeholders and end-users of the NIAGARA technologies.

  • Agricultural Research, Ltd. Troubsko
    ZVT- Agricultural Research, Ltd. Troubsko
    (Czech Republic)

    The Agricultural Research, Ltd. Troubsko (ZVT) are specialists in research in agriculture, food and biotechnology running a number of international applied research and innovation transfer projects in bio economics. In NIAGARA, ZVT as a member of the BIOEAST HUB CR collaborates in communication and dissemination activities and leads the clustering with on-going EU-funded projects and existing international initiatives and networking activities in Work Package 5 (Dissemination, communication and exploitation). Hereby ZVT BIOEAST HUB CR is providing the connection to the BIOEAST Thematic working group Fresh Water Based Bioeconomy

  • Empresa Mixta Valenciana de Aguas, S.A.
    EMIVASA – Empresa Mixta Valenciana de Aguas, S.A.

    Empresa Mixta Valenciana de Aguas, S.A. (EMIVASA) is a joined venture created by Valencia City Council and Global Omnium to manage the public water supply service and the domestic supply of drinking water to the city of Valencia. In NIAGARA, EMIVASA is collaborating in Work Packages 1 (Laboratory-scale development and validation of multi-analyte biosensor) and 2 (Laboratory-scale development and validation of remediation approaches) and leads Work Package 3 (Technical upscaling and validation at pilot scale) being in charge of the pilot design and prototype installation. EMIVASA and its associated entities General de Análisis, Materiales y Servicios S.L. and Aguas de Valencia S.A., all together belonging to the Valencian Global Omnium consortium, are also present to complete the case of study of a model for pollution spread in a drinking water distribution network in Valencia.

  • General de Análisis, Materiales y Servicios, S.L.
    GAMASER – General de Análisis, Materiales y Servicios, S.L.

    General de Análisis, Materiales y Servicios, S.L. (GAMASER) is a private company specialized in chemical and microbiological analysis for water and environmental quality control. GAMASER’s contribution to NIAGARA is based on the analytical control of water samples in Work Package 1 (Laboratory-scale development and validation of multi-analyte biosensor), 2 (Laboratory-scale development and validation of remediation approaches) and 3 (Technical upscaling and validation at pilot scale). GAMASER is part of Global Omnium, a Business Group based in Valencia, Spain.

  • Aguas de Valencia, S.A.
    AVSA – Aguas de Valencia, S.A.

    Aguas de Valencia, S.A. (AVSA) is a private entity the object of which is the management of the integral water cycle. AVSA is also highly active in research, development and innovation projects and will participate in Work Packages 2 (Laboratory-scale development and validation of remediation approaches), 3 (Technical upscaling and validation at pilot scale) and 4 (Data treatment for real-time monitoring and risk assessment). AVSA is the core company of Global Omnium, a leading Business Group dedicated to the management of the integral water cycle.